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Pastor’s Message

Raising The Bar

In all sphere of life, and certainly in the Christian life too, we need to be inspired, challenged and given a vision of something better, grander and more challenging. This is obviously true in the sporting world where the phrase “raise the bar” comes into play.

Whether it is the pole vaulter or the high jumper, the bar is raised so that an even greater sporting accomplishment can be attempted. And all great athletes crave this: they don’t want to settle for second best, or that which is easily obtainable.
They press on for the best, and in this case, the highest. They are not interested in the ordinary, but want to be the very best in their sport, and raise the bar even higher. They want to lead the way and set the standard. Life is meant to be like that, especially the Christian life.
Christians should not be ordinary or average in any endeavor in life. We have great potential inside us.

There are things God wants each of us to do that no one else can do. And through Christ, we have been given everything we need to be successful. However, too many Christians have become satisfied with where they are and never go any further. Some never come close to achieving their potential. We don’t have to settle for average. Living an average life is like talking on a cell phone when it only has a couple of bars on the screen. It isn’t receiving a very strong signal. The phone is operating, but it cuts in and out or drops calls completely. God wants us to raise the bars in our lives. He has a way for us to live on a level of full bars.

We need to raise the bar. Indeed, with Jesus Christ as our ultimate standard, and his command that we be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48), every single Christian has to continuously set the bar as high as it can go.

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